2901 肉,非活的家禽,野味,肉汁
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 42 条商品/服务名称)
290013 黑布丁 Black pudding
290013 黑布丁(血肠) Pudding (Black –) [blood sausage]
290063 火腿 Ham
290050 猎物(非活) Game [dead]
290050 猎物(非活) Game [dead]
290112 牛肚 Tripe
290014 牛肉清汤 Bouillon
290023 牛肉清汤浓缩汁 Bouillon concentrates
290015 牛肉清汤汤料 Bouillon (Preparations for making –)
290068 浓肉汁 Meat extracts
290151 人食用蚕蛹 Silkworm chrysalis, for human consumption
290046 肉 Meat
290049 肉冻 Meat jellies
C290006 肉脯 meat chest
C290005 肉干 dried meat
C290009 肉糜 break to pieces meat
C290004 肉片 meat slice
C290008 肉松 meat soft
290014 肉汤 Broth
290023 肉汤浓缩汁 Broth concentrates
290081 食品用动物骨髓 Marrow (Animal –) for food
290081 食用动物骨髓 Animal marrow for food
290143 食用鸟窝 Edible birds' nests
290114 死家禽 Poultry, not live
290098 咸肉 Meats (Salted –)
290097 香肠 Sausages
290097 香肠 Sausages
290013 血肠 Blood sausage
290076 熏猪肉 Bacon
290137 腌腊肉 Meat, preserved
290098 腌肉 Salted meats
290036 油炸丸子 Croquettes
290142 猪肉 Pork
290018 猪肉食品 Charcuterie
C290003 板鸭 salted duck
290153 捣碎的香肠 Sausages in batter
C290007 冻田鸡腿 freeze frog leg
C290002 风肠 wind intestines
C290010 蜂蛹 bee pupa
290124 肝 Liver
290088 肝饼 Liver paté
290088 肝酱 Pastes (Liver –)
2902 非活水产品
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 45 条商品/服务名称)
290107 鲑鱼 Salmon
290150 海参(非活) Sea-cucumbers [not live]
C290019 海胆黄 sea hedgehog
C290023 海螺干 dried whelk
C290016 海米 dried shrimps
C290018 海蜇皮 jellyfish skin
290037 甲壳动物(非活) Crustaceans [not live]
290109 金枪鱼 Tuna fish
290075 龙虾(非活) Lobsters (Spiny –) [not live]
290135 明虾(非活) Prawns [not live]
290135 明虾(非活) Prawns [not live]
290061 牡蛎(非活) Oysters [not live]
290145 人食用鱼粉 Fishmeal for human consumption
290106 沙丁鱼 Sardines
290002 食用水生植物提取物 Weed extracts for food
290062 食用鱼胶 Isinglass for food
290006 鳀鱼 Anchovy
290138 虾(非活) Shrimps [not live]
290057 虾(非活) Lobsters [not live]
C290025 虾酱 shrimp soy sauce
C290017 虾松 soft shrimp
C290022 蚬子干 dried
290149 腌鱼 Salted fish
290136 腌制鱼 Fish, preserved
290149 盐腌鱼 Fish (Salted –)
290083 贻贝(非活) Mussels [not live]
290083 贻贝(非活) Mussels [not live]
C290015 鱿鱼 sleeve-fish
290047 鱼(非活的) Fish [not live]
290047 鱼(非活的) Fish [not live]
C290011 鱼翅 fin
C290012 鱼肚 fish belly
290041 鱼片 Fillets (Fish –)
C290013 鱼肉干 dried fish
C290014 鱼松 dried soft fish
290125 鱼制食品 Fish (Food products made from –)
290016 鱼子酱 Caviar
290082 贝壳类动物(非活) Shellfish [not live]
C290024 蛏干 dried
290075 多刺龙虾(非活的) Spiny lobsters [not live]
290055 鲱鱼 Herrings
C290020 干贝 dried shellfish
290132 蛤(非活) Clams [not live]
C290021 蛤蜊干 dried clam
290040 蛄(非活) Crayfish [not live]
2903 罐头食品(软包装食品不包括在内,随原料制成品归类)
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 9 条商品/服务名称)
C290027 鹌鹑蛋罐头 quail egg tin
290146 罐装水果 Fruits, tinned [canned (Am.)]
290120 蘑菇罐头 Mushrooms, preserved
290147 肉罐头 Meat, tinned [canned (Am.)]
290152 蔬菜罐头 Vegetables, tinned [canned (Am.)]
C290026 水产罐头 aquatic product tin
290017 水果罐头 Fruit, preserved
290144 听装(罐装)鱼 Fish, tinned [canned (Am.)]
290096 豌豆罐头 Peas, preserved
2904 腌渍、干制水果及制品
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 51 条商品/服务名称)
C290028 桂花 sweet-scented osmanthus
C290040 桂花姜 sweet-scented osmanthus ginger
290079 果酱 Marmalade
290024 果酱 Jams
290115 果皮 Fruit peel
290009 果仁巧克力酱 Cocoa butter
290045 果肉 Fruit pulp
290038 海枣 Dates
C290030 红丝 red thread
290158 糊状山梨豆(鹰嘴豆酱) Soya beans, preserved, for food
290007 花生酱 Butter (Peanut –)
290007 花生酱 Butter (Peanut –)
C290037 话梅 plum
290133 浸酒的水果 Fruit preserved in alcohol
290025 冷冻水果 Frozen fruits
C290041 莲子 lotus seed
290035 蜜饯 Fruits (Crystallized –)
290155 苹果酱 Apple purée
290155 苹果酱 Apple purée
290027 葡萄干 Raisins
C290029 青丝 green thread
C290039 山楂片 hawkthorn slice
290134 食用花粉 Pollen prepared as foodstuff
C290032 柿饼 dried persimmon
290035 水果蜜饯 Crystallized fruits
290115 水果皮 Peel (Fruit –)
290115 水果皮 Peel (Fruit –)
290131 水果片 Chips (Fruit –)
290131 水果片 Chips (Fruit –)
290045 水果肉 Pulp (Fruit –)
290156 酸果酱(蜜饯) Cranberry sauce [compote]
C290031 糖玫瑰 sugar rose
290148 土豆煎饼 Potato fritters
290154 土豆片 Flakes (Potato –)
290154 土豆片 Flakes (Potato –)
290019 土豆片(油炸) Chips (Potato –)
290021 脱水椰子 Coconut, desiccated
290021 脱水椰子 Coconut, desiccated
290117 杏仁粉 Almonds, ground
290019 油炸土豆片 Crisps (Potato –)
290157 芝麻酱 Tahini [sesame seed paste]
C290033 百合干 dried lily
290019 薄脆土豆片 Potato chips
C290036 陈皮梅 preserved prune
290035 冻水果 Frosted fruits
290043 炖熟的水果 Fruit, stewed
C290035 干桂元 laurel ball
C290038 干荔枝 dried lichi
C290042 干枣 dried date
C290034 柑饼 mandarin orange
290090 橄榄蜜饯 Olives, preserved
2905 腌制、干制蔬菜
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 49 条商品/服务名称)
C290061 海菜 edible seaweed
C290062 海带 kelp powder
C290063 海带粉 kelp powder
C290055 黑菜 black vegatable
C290065 黄花菜 grassleaf daylily
290051 姜酱 Ginger jam
290051 姜酱 Ginger jam
C290057 酱菜 pickles
C290051 萝卜干 dried turnip
290095 泡菜 Pickles
290020 泡菜、酸菜 Sauerkraut
290110 烹调用番茄汁 Tomato juice for cooking
290067 烹饪用蔬菜汁 Juices (Vegetable –) for cooking
C290092 食用干花 Edible dry flowers
290052 食用腌黄豆 Soya beans, preserved, for food
290052 食用腌黄豆 Soya beans, preserved, for food
290066 蔬菜汤剂 Soup preparations (Vegetable –)
290066 蔬菜汤料 Vegetable soup preparations
290030 熟蔬菜 Vegetables, cooked
C290059 速冻菜 deepfreeze vegatable
C290049 速冻方便菜肴 deepfreeze convernience vegetable
C290043 酸姜 acid ginger
290094 酸辣泡菜 Piccalilli
C290064 笋干 dry bamboo shoot
290026 汤 Soups
290026 汤 Soups
C290048 脱水菜 dehydrated vegatable
C290045 五味姜 five taste ginger
C290047 五香萝卜 spicery radish
C290044 咸菜 pickles
290028 小黄瓜 Gherkins
290077 腌扁豆 Lentils, preserved
290123 腌豆 Beans, preserved
290089 腌制的洋葱 Onions, preserved
290113 腌制菌块 Truffles, preserved
290029 腌制蔬菜 Vegetables, preserved
290056 腌制香草 Garden herbs, preserved
C290046 榨菜 preserved szechuan pickle
290099 制汤剂 Soup (Preparations for making –)
C290060 紫菜 purple vegatable
C290052 白菜干 dried cabbage
C290056 百合菜 lily vegatable
C290054 大头菜 kohlrabi
c290050 冬菜 winter vegatable
290101 番茄汁 Tomato purée
290101 番茄汁 Tomato purée
C290058 腐乳 preserved beancurd
C290053 干菜笋 dried vegetable bamboo shoot
290031 干蔬菜 Vegetables, dried
2906 蛋品
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 11 条商品/服务名称)
C290068 鹌鹑蛋 quail egg
C290067 皮蛋(松花蛋) preserved egg
290139 食用蜗牛蛋 Snail eggs [for consumption]
290139 蜗牛蛋(食用) Eggs (Snail –) [for consumption]
C290066 咸蛋 salted egg
290086 蛋 Eggs *
290012 蛋白 White of eggs
290012 蛋白 White of eggs
290087 蛋粉 Eggs (Powdered –)
290064 蛋黄 Yolk of eggs
290064 蛋黄 Yolk of eggs
2907 奶及乳制品
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 25 条商品/服务名称)
290141 掼奶油 Cream (Whipped –)
290008 黄油 Butter
290011 黄油乳脂 Buttercream
290141 搅打过的奶油 Whipped cream
C290070 可可牛奶(以奶为主) cocoa milk
290070 克非尔奶酒(奶饮料) Kefir [milk beverage]
290071 马或骆驼乳酒(牛奶饮料) Kumys [kumyss] [milk beverage]
C290069 奶茶(以奶为主) milk tea
290034 奶酪 Cheese
290033 奶油(奶制品) Cream [dairy products]
290039 牛奶 Milk
290072 牛奶饮料(以牛奶为主的) Milk beverages [milk predominating]
290072 牛奶饮料(以牛奶为主的) Milk beverages [milk predominating]
290074 牛奶制品 Milk products
290009 巧克力果仁奶油 Chocolate nut butter
290078 人造黄油 Margarine
290071 乳酒(牛奶饮料) Koumiss [kumiss] [milk beverage]
290073 乳清 Whey
290073 乳清 Whey
290119 食用酪蛋白 Casein for food
C290071 酸奶 acidophilus milk
290065 酸乳酪 Yoghurt
290042 小牛皱胃中的凝乳(制干酪用) Rennet
290010 椰子黄油 Butter (Coconut –)
290010 椰子黄油 Butter (Coconut –)
2908 食用油脂
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 24 条商品/服务名称)
290009 可可油 Butter (Cocoa –)
290009 可可脂 Butter (Chocolate nut –)
C290072 类可可脂 species cocoa fat
290108 食用板油 Suet for food
290022 食用菜油 Rape oil for food
290022 食用菜子油 Colza oil for food
290091 食用橄榄油 Olive oil for food
290092 食用骨油 Bone oil, edible
290111 食用葵花籽油 Sunflower oil for food
290032 食用油 Edible oils
290005 食用油脂 Edible fats
290005 食用油脂 Edible fats
290103 食用猪油 Lard for food
290059 食用棕榈果仁油 Palm kernel oil for food
290084 食用棕榈油 Palm oil for food
290054 涂面包片用脂肪混合物 Fat-containing mixtures for bread slices
290054 涂面包片用脂肪混合物 Fat-containing mixtures for bread slices
290054 涂面包片用脂肪混合物 Fat-containing mixtures for bread slices
290122 椰子油 Coconut oil
290121 椰子脂 Coconut fat
290121 椰子脂 Coconut fat
290058 玉米油 Corn oil
290060 芝麻油 Sesame oil
290053 制食用脂肪用脂肪物 Fatty substances for the manufacture of edible fats
2909 色拉
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 4 条商品/服务名称)
290102 蔬菜色拉 Salads (Vegetable –)
290102 蔬菜色拉 Salads (Vegetable –)
290104 水果色拉 Fruit salads
290104 水果色拉 Fruit salads
2910 食用果胶
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 9 条商品/服务名称)
290044 果冻 Fruit jellies
C290075 口香糖胶基 chewing gum glue
C290074 琼脂(食用) agar-agar
290093 食品用果胶 Pectin for food
290003 食品用胶 Gelatine for food
290003 食品用胶 Gelatine for food
290048 食用果冻 Jellies for food
290116 食用藻酸盐 Alginates for food
C290073 水晶冻 crystal jelly
2911 加工过的坚果
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 12 条商品/服务名称)
C290076 加工过的瓜子 processed melon seeds
290118 加工过的花生 Peanuts, processed
C290080 加工过的开心果 processed yippee nut
C290077 加工过的松子 processed pine nut
C290078 加工过的香榧 processed xiangfei
C290079 加工过的榛子 processed hazel
290085 精制坚果仁 Nuts, prepared
C290082 开花豆 blossom out bean
C290085 熟芝麻 processed sesame
C290084 熟制豆 processed manufactured bean
C290081 糖炒栗子 sugar stir-fry chestnut
C290083 五香豆 cinque savory bean
2912 菌类干制品
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 4 条商品/服务名称)
C290087 木耳 agaric
C290086 冬菇 winter fungus
C290088 发菜 hair vegatable
C290089 干食用菌 day edible fungus
2913 食物蛋白,豆腐制品
序号 商品/服务名称 (共 5 条商品/服务名称)
290001 食物蛋白 Albumen for food
290100 食用蛋白 Protein for human consumption
290140 豆腐 Tofu
C290090 豆腐制品 bean curd goods
C290091 腐竹 beancurd sticks
2901 肉,非活的家禽,野味,肉汁
2902 非活水产品
2903 罐头食品(软包装食品不包括在内,随原料制成品归类)
2904 腌渍、干制水果及制品
2905 腌制、干制蔬菜
2906 蛋品
2907 奶及乳制品
2908 食用油脂
2909 色拉
2910 食用果胶
2911 加工过的坚果
2912 菌类干制品
2913 食物蛋白,豆腐制品